
Friday, September 05, 2008

Are we reaching a tech bubble again?

Reading this press release from Mosso brought back fond memories of another time when tech companies started giving themselves and their employees some seriously ridiculous names and titles.
Rackspace(R) Hosting's cloud division Mosso(R) (www.mosso.com), today announced that it has named technology industry and operations veteran Bruce Runyan Chief Uptime Officer. In this role, Runyan is responsible for ensuring that Mosso continues to provide a reliable and consistent customer experience as the cloud scales....
Chief Uptime Officer? Come on! I thought "Cloud computing" was ridiculous, but the "Chief Uptime Officer" title takes the cake!

We must be nearing another tech bubble.

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Blogger kmunse said...

We definitely are reaching another tech bubble and cloud computing is just the tip of the iceberg. Joyent is offering "accelerators", "connectors" and "Bingo Disk". We even have a guy who's title is "VP Platform Evangelism". How's that for being in the tech bubble?

8:38 AM  

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